Notes From a Basement

By Doug Hubley: Sounds and reflections of a musical life

About Doug Hubley

Doug Hubley is a musician, editor and writer living in Portland, Maine.

As a writer, he has covered arts and lifestyle topics for newspapers and magazines in Maine and Massachusetts. After two decades in journalism, he works these days in the communications office at a small Maine college.

Doug began learning the guitar in 1966, and hopes to complete the job one day. His first performances took place in the 1970s. He has played solo and with bands including the Mirrors, the Fashion Jungle, the Cowlix, the Boarders and Howling Turbines.

Today he is one-half of Day for Night, an acoustic country band also starring Gretchen Schaefer.

7 thoughts on “About Doug Hubley

  1. hey doug, great to see you’re still as active as always
    keep up the great work man
    happy new year
    joe B

  2. David Wright on said:

    Hi Doug – Walking around the old port, visited the original Sweet Potato office on Fore St, then googled sweet potato for grins. Found your post! Brought back many fond memories of great music and fun times

    FYI – my brother Ryan has an almost complete set, so there may be more on this, if there’s any interest in more of same…

    David Wright (1/2 founder, Sweet Pototo)

  3. Martha Cohen on said:

    Doug..are you the Doug who lent me a Kinks t-shirt to wear to a Halloween party in 1977 at Peter Bass’s house??

    The Wright Brothers..worked for you guys typesetting at Sweet Potato. how did that happen anyway?!

    Martha C

    • Doug Hubley on said:

      Martha, thanks for your comment. I don’t remember the Peter Bass party, but ’77 was long ago . . . Could it have been Doug Warren, who also worked at the Portland newspapers?

      I free-lanced for Face magazine, successor to Sweet Potato, once or twice but was never on staff.

  4. Andrea Landers Bilger on said:

    I enjoyed looking at some of your old photos. Spent quite a bit of time in that basement. Glad to see you are still using your musical talents.

  5. Ray DMC on said:

    Hey Doug,
    Thanks for your work and music!

    That mandolin looks a lot like mine. Any chance it’s a Mid-Missouri?

    Also, do you have any contact info for Louise Berry, who used to write for Sweet Potato?

    Hope to hear your duo some day soon.

    Ray DMC

    • Doug Hubley on said:

      Hello Ray — Many thanks for your comment! It’s good to hear from you. The mando is a Big Muddy, which I believe is the successor to Mid-Missouri. As for Louise Berry, I don’t think I ever met her. Finally, if you haven’t already, please take a look at the site showcasing songs I have written: May I add you to my mailing list? Thanks again for writing — Doug

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